An important Renaissance engraver, Raimondi's first prints stem from ca.1500-1505 and show both the influence of Bolognese engravers such as Francia and Lorenzo Costa, as well as Dürer. From ca.1506 - ca. 1508, he was in Venice, making a total of 74 prints after woodcuts by Dürer. During this period, he also made engravings after works by Giorgione and Michelangelo. By ca.1510, Raimondi was in Rome and had befriended Raphael, who included Raimondi's portrait in his Vatican fresco depicting the Expulsion of Heliodorus. From ca.1510-1520, Raimondi, influenced by Raphael, primarily engraved designs by the latter and his followers. His style matured, and featured more fluidity in depicting subjects in motion. Raimondi also collaborated with Baviera on prints that, evidence suggest, were reproduced many times. According to Vasari, the 1527 Sack of Rome left Raimondi destitute. His engravings cannot be accounted for beyond that date.
For more detailed biographical notes see part 1. For earlier works see parts 1 - 4 also.
This is part 5 of 5 parts on the works of Marcantonio Raimondi:
c1517-1520 Mercury, after Raphael's fresco in the Chigi Gallery of the Villa Farnesina in Rome engraving 30.7 x 20.5 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1517-1520 Jupiter embracing Cupid, after Raphael's fresco in the Chigi Gallery of the Villa Farnesina in Rome engraving 31.8 x 22.5 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1517-1520 Cupid and the Three Graces
When Raphael painted the frescoes in the garden loggia of Rome’s Villa Farnesina, he faced an unusual pictorial format. Working in the spandrels, he had to account for the nearly triangular spaces created by the arched ceiling. This engraving, a detail of the fresco, clearly demonstrates the structural obstacles of the architecture, as the numerous curved lines represent the vaulted ceiling, trim, and wall.
c1517-1520 Cupid and the Three Graces, after Raphael's fresco in the Chigi Gallery of the Villa Farnesina in Rome engraving 31 x 21.3 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1517-1520 Apollo sitting on Parnassus surrounded by the muses and famous poets, after Raphael engraving 35.6 x 49.9 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1517-1520 Dance of Cupids engraving 11 x 16.6 cm Art Institute of Chicago, IL |
c1517-1520 Portrait of Pietro Aretino engraving 21.3 x 15 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1517-1520 The Vintage: A man pouring grapes from a basket into a vat, above Bacchus, after Raphael engraving 19 x 14.5 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1517-1520 Two women of the zodiac standing beneath the signs of Libra and Scorpio engraving 28.6 x 19.8 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1517-1527 A young woman personifying Force or Strength engraving 13.3 x 7.3 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
1518-1519 The 'Virgin with the long thigh' sitting with the Christ Child, St John the Baptist and St Joseph, after Raphael engraving 40.2 x 26.7 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1520-1522 Hercules holding Antaeus, after Raphael engraving 30.6 x 21.2 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
1520-1525 Christ, the Virgin, and Saint John the Baptist with Saints Paul and Catherine, after Raphael engraving 42.1 x 28.9 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
1520-1525 David raising sword to decapitate a fallen Goliath engraving 26.9 x 39.5 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
1520-1525 Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist engraving 40 x 26.4 cm Detroit Institute of Arts, MI |
1520-1525 Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, after Baccio Bandinelli engraving 43.7 x 57.8 cm Art Institute of Chicago, IL |
1520-1525 Trajan Crowned by Victory engraving 29.3 x 44.1 cm Art Institute of Chicago, IL |
c1520-1525 Francesco Francia, after Giulio Romano engraving 22.7 x 34 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1520-1525 The Martydom of Saint Cecilia, after Raphael engraving 23.4 x 40 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1520-1525 The Virgin and Child with St. Elizabeth and John the Baptist, called 'The Virgin of the Palm Tree', after Raphael engraving 24.7 x 17.1 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1520-1527 Pallas Athena standing on a globe, after Raphael engraving 26.9 x 15.7 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1520-1527 The abduction of Helen, after Raphael engraving 29.4 x 42.2 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1520-1540 Christ flanked by the Virgin and St. John in the upper section, St. Paul and St. Catherine below engraving 41.5 x 27.1 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1520 The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence
Like many of Bandinelli's projects, his commission to paint two large frescoes for the church of San Lorenzo in Florence came to nothing. However, his patron was so impressed by his drawing for the Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence that he granted him the Knighthood of Saint Peter. In order to spread the fame of this admired design, Bandinelli hired Marcantonio to engrave it. Bandinelli is said to have complained to the pope of Marcantonio's failings. However, when Clement VII compared the drawing and the print, he concluded that the engraver had corrected many of Bandinelli's errors.
c1520 The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, after Bandinelli engraving 43.1 x 57.5 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
c1520 The Virgin holding the Christ Child, St Anne standing above with arms outstretched, St Elizabeth at the left, after Raphael engraving 23.7 x 17.5 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
n.d. Birth of the Virgin engraving 28.6 x 21 cm Detroit Institute of Arts, MI |
n.d. Christ before Caiaphas woodcut 12.8 x 9.7 cm Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA |
n.d. David and the head of Goliath, after Francesco Francia? engraving 17 x 10.4 cm Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA |
n.d. Descent from the Cross woodcut 12.7 x 10.1 cm Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA |
n.d. Giovanni Filoteo Achillini engraving National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC |
n.d. God Appearing to Noah, after Raphael's ceiling for the Stanza d'Eliodoro, Vatican, Rome engraving 30.7 x 25.1 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC |
n.d. High Priest rejects Joachim's offering, after Albrecht Dürer engraving 29.5 x 21.6 cm Detroit Institute of Arts, MI |
n.d. Jesus stretched on the Cross engraving 12.9 x 9.8 cm Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA |
n.d. Joseph and Potipher’s wife, after Raphael engraving 20.6 x 24.1 cm Art Institute of Chicago, IL |
n.d. Madonna under a palm tree, after Raphael engraving National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC |
n.d. Man and woman with a ball, possibly after Francesco Francia engraving National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC |
n.d. Martyrdom of St. Cecilia, after the lost fresco (ca. 1518) by the Raphael workshop for the Villa Magliana, Rome engraving 23.6 x 40.5 cm Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA |
n.d. Pensive woman, possibly after Raphael engraving 16 x 9.8 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC |
n.d. Serpent speaking to a young man engraving National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC |
n.d. Study of an antique statue pen and brown ink 21.6 x 10.8 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
n.d. The Birth of Venus engraving National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC |
n.d. Three Doctors engraving 7.3 x 10.1 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC |
n.d. Triumph, after Jacopo Ripanda engraving National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC |
n.d. Triumph, after Jacopo Ripanda detail |
n.d. Triumph, after Jacopo Ripanda detail |
n.d. Two Fauns carrying a child engraving National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC |